Authenticity and the Brand


Authenticity was the word of the evening at two recent workshops for Food’NBev members.

Tim Brown, President, TB Ventures, and formerly President & COO, Chobani and Chairman, CEO & President, Stamford based Nestle Waters, provided insights into selling into ‘the box’ and ultimately being authentic to your product. “Everybody has a different vision and goal, and everybody has a different path to get there, and they should. But fundamentally you need to know why you’re doing this: ‘I really want to make people healthier,’ or ‘I really do something different that no one else can do,’ or ‘People need this.’ I think the people that are in it for the long haul for the reason, versus a financial motive, I would bet they have a better fighting chance.”

Participants look at peer members’ packaging in workshop on branding.

Focusing on the authentic in order to differentiate from the competition was the message from Food’NBev advisor Caren Berlin, CEO, GoldnFish Marketing Group, LLC and Steve Gold, CCO.  Having the entrepreneurs work through key exercises such as identifying their position statement and by providing insights into various market segments got the participants to think through their message and “to take a step back and be clear on where they are going.” More on the importance of branding from GoldnFish Marketing Group >>