For UCAN a year of growth

For UCAN a year of growth including new flavors, expanded facilities, new press

Overall, sales are up 28% for the first half of 2019, with online sales through and Amazon up over 37%. In fact, online sales are up 8 months in a row!

UCAN is involved through sponsorships in several worldwide events including the San Francisco and Dallas Marathons, as well as the 20K National Championships held in New Haven. UCAN also supports our local communities, participating and sponsoring events including the Fairfield Half-Marathon, the Cheshire Half-Marathon and many other local events and charitable causes.

A key part of UCAN’s growth strategy has been to endorse and support teams and athletes. UCAN provides their one-of-a-kind performance products to over 100 professional and college teams and supports world class athletes including Meb Keflezighi, the only person to win the Boston and New York Marathons, as well as medal at the Olympics. In addition, UCAN recently sponsored Tim O’Donnell, one of the world’s most successful long-course triathletes, with over 22 wins worldwide.

This summer, the UCAN story was featured on the cover of Seasons of New Haven magazine. Continuing to further the science and understanding of SuperStarch™, one of their recent scientific studies showed a relationship with improved cognitive abilities in soccer players.

UCAN has several new flavors under development as they continue to innovate to meet the needs of the market. And they are also meeting the needs of their growing workforce, recently doubling the size of their corporate headquarters in Woodbridge.