Title triggers technique

Title Triggers Technique

Stuck on encapsulating your marketing brief, blog, or pitch with a ‘please read more’ title?

Food’NBevCT advisor Bryan Mattimore shared his ‘title triggers’ technique recently for those looking to title something: a new speech, blog, book, article… or whatever.

To illustrate, here are Bryan’s methods for creating a title for a new speech.

First pick a noun or verb that reflects an essence of your subject matter expertise that could relate to a new talk title. So, for me for instance, I picked “creativity.”

With this key word theme in mind, imagine placing this key word in one or more of the hundreds of possible talk or blog titles. The talk title triggers themselves were generated from several online sources. (see list of resources below)

We often do this kind of “key word” triggering in our ideation sessions, especially when we are looking for creative ways to position, promote, and/or create new tag lines for our clients’ brands. I have, however, never done this for creating talk titles. Nor have I ever used the specific links I’ve shared.

Even with my familiarity with these kinds of triggers, I was surprised how truly effective they were in generating new titles, some of which were really great: both for their originality and for their keen interest from other group members. In literally less than 10 minutes, everyone at the meeting had generated three to five, often-great new speech topics and titles. Pretty efficient… and yes, I guess I’d say creative, too!

Online title trigger tools


title triggers techniques